If you are here by mistake!

If you end up here by mistake because of the blog's title or something like that... well, there's nothing I can do about it hahahha
In this blog, I write about my traveling experiences and it began in way for me to be in touch with my family while I was gone..but it became so fun to write that now I've talked about Chile, Cancún and this year (2014) from NYC in my 30 days there..
If you don't understand portuguese I'm sorry, you can move on to the next blog or if you have some question that I can answer you, please don't hasitate to ask.
Oh... what I write i this blog is my opinion and it's non professional, it's only my personal experience and it's like joey (from friends) talked about : "The moo point it's like a cow's opinion, it doesn't matter!" hahaha
if there is a gammatical error in this text, I couldn't care less hahaha

quinta-feira, 8 de julho de 2010

meu deus agora sou um guia turistico! ahahahah


essa noite não tem explicação pro que foi! hahahaha

vcs não tem noção do bonding de irmãs! hauauhauhauah

meu deus ela me faz rir cada vez mais! eu juro q tento não postar essas coisas mas ela ta cantando toxicity agora hauahuahuahuhaua

mlk! a gente fez um video pra vc!
deco! num sei como vc aguenta! hahahahahaa

"pessoa vc tem todas as coisas expalhadas pelo quarto!
mi hermana muy baguncera!"

amanha conto o resto


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